Monday, February 23, 2015

Classroom Communication Skills

What Classroom Teachers Look
                         for in Students:
If your child does NOT have these communication skills then he or she may be referred for a
speech-language screening. 
*Appropriate attending skills.
*Follows directions appropriately.
*Understands spoken vocabulary.
*Comprehends class explanations & lectures.
*Comprehends stories and narratives.
*Responds appropriately to questions.
*Demonstrates appropriate auditory processing skills (sounds, words, connected words in sentences).
*Ask appropriate questions.
*Is able to use Standard English grammar when speaking.
*Effectively uses oral language for a variety of purposes (i.e. to inform, to explain, to persuade, etc...).
*Is able to present information orally in a sequential and logical fashion that reflects appropriate language processing.
*Interacts appropriately with peers and adults.
*Contributes appropriately to group discussions.
*Uses speech appropriately to listeners and with purpose.
*Speaks intelligibly without articulation errors.
*Speaks clearly using appropriate volume, tone, and rate.
*Expresses ideas orally with fluency, elaboration, and confidence.
Not only can classroom teachers make referrals for a speech-language screening but YOU  can as parents!
If you have any concerns about your child's communication skills make sure you also consider the following questions:
-What are my child's grades?
-What were my child's latest MAP scores?
-Is my child struggling in reading and/or math?
-What is my child's attendance, behavior and social skills like at school and home?
-Does my child have speech sound errors that are not age appropriate that are very noticeable when he is speaking?

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