Since most students who are receiving speech services do not get speech-language therapy during the summer months, it is important for parents to know how to enhance good language and/or articulation skills.
First, you should ask the following questions:
Each day of the week can be a day that you can target an activity.....
Find 10 things that go in your bedroom and make a sentence about it.
Arts & Crafts
Cut out pictures from a magazine and think of a word to describe each
Play Time! Play toss the bean bags onto pictures and make a sentence
about each picture.
Book Worm! Read a book and tell someone about the character.
Action! Use good sentences while you talk about your favorite movie.
Find 10 things that go in your kitchen and make a sentence about it.
Arts & Crafts
Use good sentences to describe objects you make out of Play-Doh
Play Time! Play tic tac toe with pictures and describe each picture
on your turn.
Book Worm! Read a book and tell someone about the setting.
Action! Use good sentences while you draw a picture.
Find 10 things that go in your bathroom and make a sentence about it.
Arts & Crafts
Use sidewalk chalk to draw a treasure map and tell someone how to
find the treasure.
Play Time! Play a memory game and when you make a match, use that
word in a sentence.
Book Worm! Read a book and tell someone 3 things that happened.
Action! Use good sentences while you talk about your day.
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