Monday, November 16, 2015

Normal Language Development of the 3-4 year old

Receptive and Expressive Language Skills
3-4 year olds...

Begins to understand sentences involving time concepts (for example, We are going to the zoo tomorrow).
Talks in sentences of three or more words, which take the form of agent-action-object (I see the ball) or agent-action-location (Daddy sit on chair).

Understands size comparatives, such as, 
big or bigger
Tells about past experiences.
Understands relationships expressed by if….then, or because sentences.

Uses “s” on nouns to indicate plurals.

Carries out a series of two to four related directions. Understands when told, 
“Lets pretend”.
Uses “ed” on verbs to indicate past tense.

 If you have any concerns about your child's development, please contact me at 
Jennifer "Ginger" Praytor

Refers to self using pronouns
 I or me.
Repeats at least one nursery rhyme and can sing a song.
Speech is understandable to strangers,
But there are still some sound errors.

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