Monday, December 7, 2015

Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Children

What Is An Auditory Processing Disorder?
Auditory processing describes how our brains perceive sound. It is how our brain recognize and interpret the sounds around us. 

Children with auditory processing disorders are not able to recognize subtle differences between sounds in words even though the sounds are loud and clear. 
Auditory Processing Disorder is also called "APD".

Recognizing the Symptoms of Possible Auditory Processing Difficulties:
1. Have trouble paying attention to material presented orally.
2. Have problems performing multi step directions. 
3. Have poor listening skills.
4. Need extended time to process information. 
5. Have low academic performance. 
6. Have behavior problems.
7. Have some form of language difficulty.
8. Have difficulty with reading, comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary. 
Children with auditory processing difficulties typically have normal intelligence and hearing; as well as, the many symptoms listed above. 

No one is sure what causes APD. There are a few strategies to help with this disorder:
* Auditory Trainers
*Environmental Modifications
*Exercise to improve language building skills 
*Auditory Memory Enhancement
*Auditory Integration Training

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