Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Some Helpful Strategies for Successful Inclusion

Tips for Successful Inclusion in Your Classroom
It may be difficult to meet the needs of everyone in the classroom; especially students with a wide variety of abilities and challenges.
Try these strategies to see if it will help.......
1. Reduce Sensory Overload
(watch your sound, smell, sights, remove distractions)
2. Provide a Structured Routine. Use a Schedule
(visual or written schedules)
3. Warn Your Students of any Changes in the Schedule
4. Use Visual Teaching Strategies
(provide pictures, write instructions on the board)
5. Talk Less, Show More
(instructions should be short and to the point)
6. Use Concrete, Simple wording
(avoid idioms, sarcasm, innuendo)
7. Give Choices; Not Open-Ended Questions
(stick to only 2-3 choices)
8. Have Direct, Explicit Rules and Expectations
(write them, post them, show them)
9.Provide Breaks
(5 minutes can recharge students)
10. Teach Social Skills Directly
(teach specific skills and all the steps involved)
11. Use Special Interest To Motivate Your Student
(if the students loves dogs, the try adding/subtracting with dogs)
12.Finally!!!!... DON"T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!
Break the work into chunks.... and CELEBRATE each success!!!!!

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