Monday, September 28, 2015

Helpful Oral Motor Exercises

Exercise Your Mouth: 

Ready, Set, Go...

1. Open and close your mouth slowly several times. Be sure lips are all the way closed. 

2. Pucker your lips, as for a kiss, hold, then relax. Repeat several times.
3. Spread lips into a big smile, hold, then relax. Repeat several times.
4. Pucker, hold, smile, hold. Repeat this alternating movement several times.
5. Open your mouth then try to pucker with your mouth wide open. Don't close your jaw. Hold, relax and repeat several times.
6. Close your lips tightly and press together. Relax and repeat.
7. Close your lips firmly, slurp all the saliva onto the top of your tongue.
8. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Be sure your tongue comes straight out of your mouth and doesn't go off to the side. Hold, relax and repeat several times. Work toward sticking your tongue out farther each day, but still pointing straight ahead.
9. Stick out your tongue and move it slowly from corner to corner of your lips. Hold in each corner, relax and repeat several times. Be sure your tongue actually touches each corner each time.
10. Stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin with the tongue tip. Hold at farthest point. Relax; repeat.

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