Saturday, September 12, 2015

Making a Speech and Language Referral

CS-F Parents!                 phonemic-awareness-girl.gif

It is not just the responsibility of teachers to make referrals for those students they feel may have a speech-language delay. If you have a “gut feeling” that your child is not developing or communicating like other peers their own age, then YOU can also make a referral. Please contact me and I will be more than happy to conduct a speech-language screening on your child. If you have questions about what Speech and Language means then I would like to meet with you and talk about the skills your child should have for their age.
Below is a speech chart that indicates when a child should have developed certain sounds.

Below are a few language skills that elementary age students should have developed by K5-2nd grade:

*Attends to a short story and answers simple questions about it
*Repeats four digits when they are given slowly
* Readily follows simple commands involving remote objects
* Repeats sentences up to nine words in length
* Follows three-step directions
* Responds correctly to more types of sentences but may still be confused at times by more complex sentences.
*Retells a short story and can identify the main idea of the short story
*Understands opposite concepts, such as big/little, over/under
* Understands left/right
* Understands number concepts up to 20
* Answers “How are things the same/different?”
* Uses adjectives for describing
* Uses comparative adjectives, such as loud, louder
*Uses yesterday and tomorrow
* Uses adverb concepts backward and forward
* Uses prepositions through, nearest, corner, middle
* Names ordinal numbers, such as first, second, third


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