Monday, January 11, 2016

Tips for Parents at the IEP meeting

So you are finally at the meeting. What to do?
Follow these tips to make the most of the IEP meeting.

#1  Remember that you are an equal member of the educational team. This means you will be helping to make decisions, plan interventions, and set goals. You may want to review your child’s educational history before the meeting. Stay involved and aware of your child’s progress so that you can help support your child and/or suggest changes to the goals.

 #2 Everyone in the room has the best interest of your child in mind. There may be opposing viewpoints on how to educate, but everyone there wants to help your child do his/her best.

 #3 Ask questions?? You are the one who knows your child best. It is essential for you to understand everything said. You may hear unfamiliar jargon and acronyms like LRE, PT, SLP, OT, and so forth. Ask what the terms mean, take notes, and write down the unfamiliar terms and definitions.

#4 Also, you may hear the word “data” during the meeting. Don’t be alarmed. Data is only collected because educators are required to keep records to measure your child’s progress.

 #5 Don’t worry about time! Don’t let anyone rush you into finishing an IEP. An IEP is a legal document and you may need to take extra time to make decisions or share the program with your spouse before you sign the document. 
***You can always meet at a later time if there are unresolved issues.

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